UPCOMING auditions

Clown Bar 2 Auditions

Saturday, August 31st

12:30pm to 3:00pm at The Annex At Third Coast

Years ago, Gadabout Theater Company performed the hilarious immersive neo-noir/burlesque/clown comedy CLOWN BAR. We are excited to announce we’re having open auditions for CLOWN BAR 2 by Adam Szymkowicz on Saturday, August 31st from 12:30-3:00pm at The Annex at Third Coast Comedy Club. 

Performances will take place on Monday, November 11 and Tuesday, November 12 at Third Coast Comedy Club. Rehearsals will mostly be held in Donelson starting in October, though a read through will be scheduled in September. 

In this follow-up, the clowns return to the scene of the crime. A year has gone by since the events of Clown Barand Happy, the new clown crime boss, is missing. Foul play is suspected, so two cops from the "beige life" are enlisted to go deep undercover and solve the mystery.

Some performers from the original show will be returning and we’ll be casting for the  remaining parts. We are looking for performers comfortable with physical comedy, and potentially drag and burlesque. 

Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script. Resumes and headshots are welcome but not required. Please contact gadabouttheater@gmail.com or use the form below to sign up for a slot during the 12:30 to 3pm timeframe on August 31st. (We also realize Labor Day weekend might be tricky for some, so if you are interested in auditioning but unavailable that day, reach out and we’ll see what we can do.) 

“Clown Bar 2” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc. www.concordtheatricals.com

DROP US A LINE TO INQUIRE ABOUT these UPCOMING AUDITIONs or to schedule a time to audition.